Zapytanie ofertowe Sklejka Orzechowo S.A. z siedzibą w 62-322 Orzechowo przy ul. Miłosławska 13 Przedmiotem zamówienia jest dostawa, montaż i uruchomienie instalacji odpylania kotłaparowego na biomasę SCHMID, zgodnie z
Zapytanie ofertowe Sklejka Orzechowo S.A. z siedzibą w 62-322 Orzechowo przy ul. Miłosławska 13 Zapytanie ofertowe o sukcesywne dostawy materiałów biurowych. Oferty należy składać elektronicznie naadres: z zaznaczeniem
Request for quotation Sklejka Orzechowo SA with its registered office in 62-322 Orzechowo at ul. Miłosławska 13 Announcement of a written tender for updates of the successive supply of propane-butane gas in 11 kg cylinders.
Request for quotation Sklejka Orzechowo SA with its registered office in 62-322 Orzechowo at ul. Miłosławska 13 Announcement of a written tender for the update of the "Fire Safety Instructions" at Sklejka Orzechowo SA The bids should be submitted
Request for quotation Sklejka Orzechowo SA with its registered office in 62-322 Orzechowo at ul. Miłosławska 13 Sklejka Orzechowo SA invites you to submit offers for the renovation of the technical room. Offers must be submitted in writing
Request for quotation Sklejka Orzechowo SA with its registered office in 62-322 Orzechowo at ul. Miłosławska 13 Sklejka Orzechowo SA invites you to submit offers for the renovation of the social room. Offers must be submitted in writing
Request for quotation Sklejka Orzechowo SA with its registered office in 62-322 Orzechowo at ul. Miłosławska 13 Sklejka Orzechowo SA invites you to submit offers for the sale of a forklift. Offers must be submitted
Request for quotation Sklejka Orzechowo SA with its registered office in 62-322 Orzechowo at ul. Miłosławska 13 Sklejka Orzechowo SA invites you to submit offers for the rental and service of work clothes by the Lessor
Request for quotation Sklejka Orzechowo SA with its registered office in 62-322 Orzechowo at ul. Miłosławska 13 On behalf of Sklejka Orzechowo SA, we would like to inform you about the completion of the procedure for the successive supplies of oils and greases